The Apostle's Doctrine
This booklet is being printed and distributed with a sincere prayer that it may strengthen and establish the believer and that it may enlighten the thousands of perplexed and bewildered souls who are earnestly seeking, amid the maze of men's traditions to find the true doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pentecost: What's That
The day of Pentecost was observed in Jerusalem fifty days after the celebration of the Passover, which commemorated Israel's deliverance out of Egypt. It is significant that this day was chosen by the Lord to begin the fulfillment of Joel 2:28: I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh.
60 Questions on the Godhead
Read the answers to sixty questions concerning the Godhead as found in the Bible.
You'll read questions and find answers such as:
Is the word trinity in the Bible? No.
Does the Bible say that there are three persons in the Godhead? No.
Does the Bible speak of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? Yes.
And many, many, more
What Is Sin?
This question is of vital importance because of the fearful judgment against those who commit sin. The soul that sinneth, it shall die, thunders the Old Testament (Ezekiel 18:20). In like tones, the New Testament declares: The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). The one who lives in sin throughout his earthly life and faces God without having obtained divine forgiveness will be sentenced to eternal perdition.
Except Ye Repent
The three words of this title come from Luke 13:5, which reads, Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Plainly, then, the tragic alternative to repentance is eternal perdition
In view of this fact, it is extremely important that everyone knows what repentance is and how it is accomplished.
Why We Baptize in Jesus' Name
The subject of water baptism has long been called a great issue and no doubt has been made such by many church leaders of the past and present. In our study of it, let us first consider its importance, or the necessity of being baptized.
The Gift of the Holy Ghost
The gift of the Holy Spirit has become the topic of much discussion in our day. Men and women of all persuasions and from all walks of life have become interested enough to search for greater understanding of this phenomenal spiritual experience. Capturing headlines, dominating the content of many religious periodicals, and generally creating excitement, this canon of apostolic faith deserves a sincere appraisal.
Why Did God Choose Tongues?
He was a deacon in a fashionable church, but he did not believe in the Pentecostal doctrine relative to the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Yet he had been exposed to that belief through members of his immediate family. One night, at the close of an Evangelistic service in an Apostolic church, he went forward to pray and was overwhelmingly filled with the Spirit of God. He spoke in other tongues fluently and was so inundated in the Spirit that even hours later he could not speak English. Definitely, this was a biblical experience accompanied not only by speaking in another tongue, but also by the joy and peace of the Holy Ghost.
After Death: What?
Can anyone think of a more relevant question? All of us pass through the narrow passageway leading from this life to the next-the passageway we call death. We shall all experience the transition into a new realm, another existence beyond this life and world we know today.
Divine Healing
God is the Great Physician. His knowledge of the human mind and body is complete. He can do more for the sick and the diseased than can all earthly doctors and surgeons combined. He created us; is it not reasonable, then, to believe that He can heal us when we are sick?
The Scriptures Decree Modesty in Dress
In ancient times, as throughout many countries today, a person's social rank could be determined by his dress. Similarly, dress is a significant measurement of Christian conduct and practice. Christians can often by identified as such by their outward appearance.
The Way We Worship
If you have never had the opportunity to be in a Spirit-filled service before, you will discover that Biblical expressions of worship are still practiced today. Join in with us as we praise God together in spirit and in truth.